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SSAT/ISEE Middle -Verbal+Reading+Writing

30 min
Free Assessment
All courses have been changed to online version.

Service Description

A+ Learning Center SSAT/ISEE Middle Level (Verbal+Reading+Writing) curriculum covers the following contents: The SSAT/ISEE is designed for students who are seeking entrance to independent schools worldwide. The SSAT measures three constructs: verbal, quantitative, and reading skills that students develop, both in and out of school. It emphasizes the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for academic success. 1 .The Verbal Section The verbal section of the test has two parts. The first is a synonym section and the second is an analogies section. ①Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. ②An analogy is a statement saying that one thing is similar to another thing. Analogies help us make connections and see relationships based on knowledge we already possess. • Opposites or antonyms • Synonyms or words with identical or similar meanings • Characteristic • Part to whole • Uses • Users • Category • Product to Producer • Degree • Homonyms 2. The Reading Section The reading section of the third grade test consists of six to seven short,grade-level appropriate passages, each with four to six multiple-choice questions associated with it. These passages may include: • biographies • prose • poetry • fiction • nonfiction Students are asked to locate information and find meaning. They are also asked to demonstrate literal,inferential, and evaluative comprehension. Questions ask the reader to show understanding of key ideas and details to determine the main idea of the text. Additionally, they ask the reader to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from non-literal language. 3. The Writing The student is asked to look at a picture and tell a story about what is happening and to be sure his/her story includes a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Contact Details


13333 Bel-Red RD Suite 101, Bellevue, WA 98005, USA





Phone:  425-439-8231   

WeChat:  us_k12


Bellevue :2100 124th Ave NE suite 100 Bellevue 98005 WA


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